Wind, Sun, Waves
…all the energy you need
Convert your boat to lithium battery storage. Dramatically improve the range, efficiency, and density of your battery systems.
Replace lead-acid house batteries with lighter, more efficient Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries.
Switch to a hybrid inverter system to charge your batteries from solar, run your AC and DC loads, and auto-switch to/from shore power - simplify your wiring by merging three devices into one!
LiFePo4 batteries will most likely last the lifetime of your boat ownership, with thousands of cycles
Lay the groundwork for considering a switch to an electric motor (see below)
Clean, Quiet, Electric Propulsion
Eliminate the noise, pollution and maintenance hassle of Diesel engines by converting to an electric drive. Interested in silent electric propulsion? Talk to us about solutions for converting your boat to electric power. We have experience in successful electric vehicle and hybrid conversions for sailboats and small recreational watercraft. DIY/consultation or full-service contracting. Each boat and owner’s needs are unique and we help you craft a system to meet your needs.